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Are you willing to wear your white belt? -- George Leonard, Mastery.
Have you ever noticed that when you sit down to write something, half the ideas that end up in it are ones you thought of while writing it? The same thing happens with software. Working to implement one idea gives you more ideas. -- Paul Graham, The other road ahead.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
You have to write for your audience. I would never write (1..5).map &'*2' in Java when I could write ListFactoryFactory.getListFactoryFromResource( new ResourceName('com.javax.magnitudes.integers'). setLowerBound(1).setUpperBound(5).setStep(1).applyFunctor( new Functor () { public void eval (x) { return x * 2; } })) I'm simplifying, of course, I've left out the security and logging wrappers. -- Reginald Braithwait
The proof is by reductio ad absurdum, and reductio ad absurdum, which Euclid loved so much, is one of a mathematician’s finest weapons. It is a far finer gambit than any chess gambit: a chess player may offer the sacrifice of a pawn or even a piece, but a mathematician offers the game. -- G. H. Hardy
Making All Software Into Tools Reduces Risk. --
I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear. –Rosa Parks
Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it’s safe or certain. ~Anonymous
If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents- start charging for it. ~Kim Garst
If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got. ~Anonymous